Why You Should Hire a Marketing Agency for SEO

If you have been looking for ways to promote your professional website, you might have done a little bit of research on your own. In doing so, you have probably come across one very common piece of advice -- that you should focus on SEO, or search engine optimization.

Nowadays, more and more professionals and business owners are putting an effort into search engine optimization for a reason. After all, it is essential if you want to compete with other similar sites on Google and other major search engines, and as you probably already know, Google is not going anywhere any time soon.

However, many business owners disagree on how SEO should be done. Some people like to handle their own; some see it as a personal challenge, and others just want to try to save money on their marketing efforts. However, if you are thinking about tackling SEO yourself, consider these main reasons why you should hire a professional firm instead.

It's More Time-Consuming Than You Probably Think

First of all, if you think that you will be able to spend a few hours over a long weekend to kick off your SEO campaign, you should know that SEO takes a lot more work than many people realize. Unless you have a lot of spare time on your hands, it's probably not something that you will want to tackle without the help of a good, experienced SEO team.

SEO is Constantly Changing

Many people read the tutorials, blog posts, and articles that can be found online and assume that they can follow the advice that they find to kick off their own SEO campaigns. However, one thing that you have to realize is that SEO is constantly changing, in part because of frequent Google algorithm updates. It can be nearly impossible to keep up with all of these changes yourself, but a good SEO company has teams that are constantly watching out for changes and making changes to their strategy to keep up. Chances are good that the information you will find online will be outdated, but this isn't something that you have to worry about when you hire a professional SEO team.

If You Do It Wrong, It Could Cause Major Issues For Your Business

Another thing that not a lot of people realize is that SEO isn't really a "trial and error" type of thing. Sure, you can try certain things and switch up your strategy to maximize your results. However, certain mistakes can actually be a very bad thing for your online marketing campaign.

For example, in the past, a lot of people left spammy comments all over the World Wide Web with links back to their website as a means of building backlinks. This used to work, and you may even still find information out there that recommends it. However, if Google catches wind of it (and you can believe that they will; Google has tons of algorithms in place to catch this sort of thing), your site could be penalized and could be removed from the search engine rankings altogether.

Other things that can cause this are posting guest blogs on websites that aren't reliable, using keywords too often in the content on your website, and more. All of these are easy mistakes to make, especially with so much misinformation out there, and they can actually cripple your website's online marketing plan.

As you can see, it really is best to rely on professionals when putting together a search engine optimization campaign for your website. If you are looking for an online marketing company that you can count on, contact us at Millermore to find out more about our services.

Trenton Miller

President & Founder of Millermore, a digital marketing agency located in Stamford, CT


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